DATE: March 11th, 2019
Attendees: Rhonda Haus, Amy Singh, Cindy Anderson, Melissa Obey, Amanda Ponace, Barb Krause-Snow, Charlotte Caleval
Meeting called to order at 6:36pm
Added introductions for Cindy Anderson.
Rhonda noted a date change is required on the minutes from Jan 21st, 2018.
The date should read Jan 21st, 2019
Changes will be made and minutes to be accepted at next meeting.
- Grade 8 Yearbooks.
- Rhonda was presented with a copy of a permission slip to be sent home with Grade 8 students. She will review the permission slip and let SCC know if changes are required.
- Rhonda inquired if the yearbooks will be continued after this year or if it is a one-time thing. Charlotte and Barb replied that as long as there is enough funds and man-power, it will be continued for future grade 8 classes.
CSSC (OTHER): $1749.00
SCC (Literacy): $134.87
Playground: $1902.63
- Do we want to use any of this money for gym/playground items like balls?
- Laughter for Literacy
- Follow up on Funding from FOICS. (FOICS paid for 10 tickets)
- Attendance: 25 ins and outs; 265 enrollments
- Cold weather creating poor attendance
- Staffing Timeline: Teaching staff have conversations week of Mar 18-22.
- March 28th EA Allocations
- March 29th Admin Placements
- Summer Success and Reading Grants:
- We received the Summer Success grant and have staff in place who are excited to run the program in August.
- If we receive the Reading Grant again, there will also be a reading program offered in July
- Each program will be for a different group of kids.
- Strategic Plan:
- Literacy & Writing
- Level groups > working to get kids upto grade level
- Alternative to French options
- Division office has to make the final decision
- Would like an indigenous advocate in the school
- Teacher workload intensification
- Lots of sick leave/ stress days
- Lots of substitutes
- Teacher retention poor
- Young teachers are leaving the profession
- Substitutes not always available
- AGM/Parent Forum Update – Jan 27th
- Parents and Staff were placed in separate rooms
- Teachers/principals gave feedback openly without parents in the room
- Lots of good feedback
- Some questions were too vague for parents
- Parents like meeting 1:1 with trustees but also 1:1 with staff from the board office
- Teachers talked about lack of supports
- Classroom sizes growing
- Ways to support mental health, anxiety in kids
- Supports for parents and kids
- Clubs and Activities
- Coding Club is finished, maker spaces have been set up in the library, each class can schedule a time to go through and experience it
- Soccer: 15 kids from gr 46
- Macrame Club starting up
- Bingo Fundraiser raised $500
- Basketball almost finished
- Funding request:
- Jessica Nesland requested $114; motion made, approved. Noone opposed
Carnival April 18th, 2019. SCC to run with the assistance of the TLT.
Rhonda will reach out to Thom and ask if they have any students who need/want volunteer hours.
We will need approx. 10-15 kids for 3-4 hours (including set up and tear down)
Charlotte looking into boring games from other schools.
FOICS letter – letter has been presented for teachers to fill out and email requests to FOICS
Noted that FOICS is a different entity than the SCC and thus, FOICS business should not be done at the SCC meetings.
April 8th @ 6:30p
Motion made by Melissa Obey to adjourn at 8:15pm.