During this period of school closure and social distancing due to COVID-19, it is very important that all of us take the sometimes difficult steps to not expose ourselves and others to unnecessary risk.
The COVID-19 virus can linger on surfaces such as plastic and metal for several days and could potentially be transmitted by playing in school playgrounds and touching playground equipment that others have touched. This includes slides, swings, teeter-totters, jungle gyms and other equipment. None of this equipment is being cleaned or sanitized while schools are closed and can pose a health risk to anyone that uses them.
Please do not use this play equipment until further notice.
It is difficult to tell a young person that they cannot play, that is perhaps one of the hardest parts of the current requirements to practice social distancing. We are confident, however that all our school families and communities can help young people find other ways to play, to exercise, and to learn.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.